Saturday, February 5, 2022


One topic of family discussion that has been on the top of my mind if the different impact that Men and Women have on their children. That there are many ways that a family can function and what impact the father has on the family and likewise for the mother. And often these specific men and women roles can be blurred and are interchangeable. And I one hundred percent agree, the world is a beautiful and diverse place where there is no one specific equation to a solution but rather many ways dependent on the preference of the individual families. I come from the most basic white picket fence family that someone can find. I have A hard working father, a loving and thoughtful mother and an older and younger brother followed by a youngest sister. We lived as any United States family would. Life was never a piece of cake but there was never anything that had put our family function at risk. In my family My mother is the one everyone feared. She was the one that we would be terrified to talk to for fear of getting in trouble. She would put us in time-out and grounded us for a certain amount of time. The “bad cop” of the family with my dad taking on the role of the “good cop” who was always so levelheaded and was the advocate for fun and excitement. Who encouraged us to work hard and play hard. In the Proclamation to the world: The Family given by the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They state that “fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families.” And my father filled that role as told by the proclamation to the letter. There was never any manly pressure or gender role to provide for his family but rather in a mental and spiritual way. I believe that providing for the necessities of life is providing for their welfare, physically, spiritually, and mentally. Ensuring that each child gets the best childhood possible to set them up for a life full of understanding and a knack for good judgement skills. The sentence after says, “Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.” This is so much more than just “watching the kids as a stay at home mom” it is ensuring that in this ever worsening and ever darkening world these children will have that love and appreciation for the bright and positive. They ensure that during their growing and learning years they are not only provided with the opportunity to get smarter but to be kind, gentle, and responsible. To make people into a better more Christ-like person. My point is, the ideal life is one where the children that are in the home will be blessed with the best opportunities of success. Obviously this will only happen in a very few number but that should never stop people from trying and believing. My personal believe is that we have been sent here on this earth to give. To help those around us, and our posterity. To help those coming after us have a world that is good and one that is excepting and understanding. And in the document published by the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints it is calling for a world with Christ, which should also be our desire, it is for me. A family does not need to have a certain look or come from a certain denomination but rather a desire to help the people around them.

  One topic of family discussion that has been on the top of my mind if the different impact that Men and Women have on their children. That...